Santa Cruz County Friday Night Live Partnership is comprised of the Friday Night Live (FNL) and Club Live (CL) programs. These programs are multi-cultural, youth driven and lead, designed to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug use among middle school and high school students.
"Friday Night Live builds partnerships for positive and healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their community."
California Friday Night Live Partnership Web Site
Friday Night Live (FNL) promotes:
- Healthy lifestyle choices in our community.
- Develops and strengthens leadership skills for positive social change.
- Organizes student conferences addressing alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues.
- Sponsors parent workshops on issues affecting youth.
Friday Night Live FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is Friday Night Live?
Friday Night Live builds partnerships for positive and health youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. Chapters which consist of and adult advisor and youth meet on high school, middle school or junior high campuses. The High School Chapter Program is called Friday Night Live and the Middle/Junior High Program is Club Live. Friday Night Live supports youth in making healthy lifestyle choices free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Who can join and how do I join?
Friday Night Live chapter meetings are open to all students. Chapter have several levels of involvement. Chapter Leadership Teams, which oversees the operation of the chapter, Chapter Members that attend regular meetings and assist in coordinating and implementing programs, and general members who attend functions sponsored by Friday Night Live or Club Live. Check in with the office staff to find out who your campus advisor is and contact the county coordinator: North County – Brenda Armstrong 454-5483, South County – Uriel Mendoza (831) 331-3863 or Monica Nicholas (831) 359-8450.
What does a chapter do?
The Friday Night Live Partnership Programs have Standards of Practice that each chapter carries out. Friday Night Live/ Club Live program participants will: Experience a safe environment; have opportunities for involvement and connection to community and school; Opportunities for leadership and advocacy; Opportunities for meaningful skill building activities; Opportunities for caring and meaningful relationships among youth and with adults. Chapter does this through Community Service Projects, skill development and leadership training, participating in governance and policy making, and attaining knowledge of the issues, resources in their community.
Who decides what a chapter does?
The youth in the chapter develop a mission, goals and timeline of activities that interest them to implement through out the year. They identify the training they wish to have, types of projects they wish to participate in. Because each chapter decides their own projects the individual chapter activities vary. Chapters also support national alcohol and drug awareness campaigns such as Red Ribbon Week.
Does Friday Night Live do anything else?
Santa Cruz County Friday Night Live Partnerships works in con-junction with a variety of groups supporting alcohol and drug free events and programs such as First Night, Red Ribbon Day, and We Carnival. We also support Youth Coalition Santa Cruz, a Group of youth activists working to make positive changes in Santa Cruz County.